The Silent Architects of Change: Your Marketing Team's Role in Sustainability

For a considerable duration, marketing functions have operated in isolation, reacting to the immediate needs of individual departments. Consider this: when was the last time you engaged with your marketing department? Was it when you sought assistance in launching a new product or service, promoting an event, or meeting a higher KPI for new business acquisition?


Many organisations underestimate the multifaceted role of marketing departments and their ability to connect with the entire organisation. Beyond internal functions, these teams also serve as the eyes and ears attuned to consumer behavior, purchasing patterns, sentiments, and desires.


A robust marketing function seamlessly integrates into the overall organisational structure, transcending reactive departmental silos. When intentionally integrated, marketing teams can channel sustainability messaging both internally and externally. A high-performing marketing function collaborates closely with organisational leaders on strategy, as well as operational teams, including sales and production.


An effective marketing department possesses an in-depth understanding of your business, encompassing its origins, values, vision, mission, and the desired public image. When aligned with sustainability strategies, marketing departments can transform reporting metrics into compelling narratives.


Why are stories important? They have the power to engage people, inspire action, and amplify efforts. Similar to the philosophical question about a tree falling in the woods, sustainability efforts within an organisation may go unnoticed without effective communication.


Consider an example where the operational team reduces scope 2 carbon emissions by 30% as a byproduct of an R&D initiative. If this achievement remains unheard, how can the organisation learn from it, acknowledge the success, and apply the insights to other challenges? Integrating sustainability into marketing functions facilitates communication, celebration, and customer awareness, making informed purchasing decisions easier.


A fully integrated marketing function with a sustainability lens understands organisational drivers from top-down leadership strategy to bottom-up customer information consumption and decision-making. In this integrated scenario, marketing serves as the amplification and message relay system for the sustainability team.

In essence, it is equally important to include your marketing department in your sustainability training programs for the benefit on increased communication and effective messaging.


Money talks, so let yours ROAR!


Invisible contributions to CO2